
Sam’s Club fired me for having a disability.

Two days ago after working my whole shift, I was called to the back office by a manager. He explained that because my attendance is so poor, 7 points out of 5, they “were forced to let me go”. When I explained that I call out either because of my carpel tunnel or because my husband was sick and needed me, he said “well, you needed to communicate that with us so we would know.”. I was a cake decorator, and I'm right-handed. that's what wrist I have issues with. there were morning I would wake up and not be able to feel or hold anything with my right hand and arm. It's not any of the manager's business why I've called out. I've never, at any workplace, had a manager tell me that I was supposed to update them on my personal life so they would be able to…

Two days ago after working my whole shift, I was called to the back office by a manager. He explained that because my attendance is so poor, 7 points out of 5, they “were forced to let me go”. When I explained that I call out either because of my carpel tunnel or because my husband was sick and needed me, he said “well, you needed to communicate that with us so we would know.”. I was a cake decorator, and I'm right-handed. that's what wrist I have issues with. there were morning I would wake up and not be able to feel or hold anything with my right hand and arm. It's not any of the manager's business why I've called out. I've never, at any workplace, had a manager tell me that I was supposed to update them on my personal life so they would be able to determine if the excuse was good enough so they wouldn't fire me. No one had explained how to apply PTO [Protected Time Off] until I had already accumulated points months into my employment, and it wasn't even a manager who walked me through it. It was one of my coworkers in the bakery.

Sam's Club is full of nothing but abusive, narcissistic, cruel, heartless managers that don't care about anyone but themselves. The management of the store I worked at were all friends, and they all made a point to let me know they didn't like me. They treated me with constant disrespect every single day that I worked. They overworked us, told us we couldn't have overtime while also telling us we couldn't leave until all of our work was done. We were constantly short-staffed, and nobody wanted to come back there and help us. None of them know how to decorate a cake. The bastard who fired me is one of those “I can run this whole department alone” types, but for whatever reason he can't base ice a cake to save his life.

Sam's Club sucks, Walmart is no better. Get out now while you have the chance, because they will drop you without any hesitation. I busted my ass for this company. Working 10 – 12 hour shifts, skipping my lunch to get things done, coming in early and staying late. None of it mattered.

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