
Saw a post saying dont be afraid to shame. Here is my experience at the FDOH in Miami

I used to work a the FDOH in Miami as a covid lab tech. Micromanaging got so intense that in a span of two months the department went from 20 techs to 8. Micromanaging never stopped, it worsened, and after receiving an offer for another job I never showed to the lab. Sent my resignation letter three weeks after being working in the new job as the Director was up the team leader’s ass about me. Fuck that guy, in all honestly. He even made various employees in my department cry multiple times. I heard he moved to Texas and I hope he doesnt get a position in management there, because chaos follows that guy. God bless yall EDIT: It is worth to mention that a month before the micromanaging started, he installed cameras in the lab. Patient’s personal information was being recorded 24/7. As if micromanaging from work wasnt…

I used to work a the FDOH in Miami as a covid lab tech. Micromanaging got so intense that in a span of two months the department went from 20 techs to 8. Micromanaging never stopped, it worsened, and after receiving an offer for another job I never showed to the lab. Sent my resignation letter three weeks after being working in the new job as the Director was up the team leader’s ass about me.

Fuck that guy, in all honestly. He even made various employees in my department cry multiple times. I heard he moved to Texas and I hope he doesnt get a position in management there, because chaos follows that guy. God bless yall

EDIT: It is worth to mention that a month before the micromanaging started, he installed cameras in the lab. Patient’s personal information was being recorded 24/7. As if micromanaging from work wasnt enough, he’d constantly watch the cameras on his days off, at home, and send emails about us not being on task for X,Y or Z reason. On top of that, he’d also appear during his days off to check how work was going. He lived ~45 minutes of work without traffic, driving through the highway. Pay was 16/hr, I lasted 6 months in that place.

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