
Saying you have “competitive wages” when it’s less than $15 should be considered false advertising

I have never once seen a job that said it had competitive wages when it’s starting pay was more than $15. Most of the time it’s just literally minimum wage. It’s gotten so prevalent, especially in my area, that when I see that on a job offer I just immediately skip it. With the talk of $15 min wage being dragged out so long it should be $25 now, anything less than $15 is not competitive. It’s the standard.

I have never once seen a job that said it had competitive wages when it’s starting pay was more than $15. Most of the time it’s just literally minimum wage. It’s gotten so prevalent, especially in my area, that when I see that on a job offer I just immediately skip it.

With the talk of $15 min wage being dragged out so long it should be $25 now, anything less than $15 is not competitive. It’s the standard.

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