
Scare tactic backfired

I’ve been with my company for over a decade, mostly in a supervisory role for various teams, been moved as needed where the role was most required, then moving to another team to help them. Three years ago our department got a new director and things started going downhill. Between changes in staffing, metric expectations, and the very day to day details of the job, I don’t recognize the group I’m working for anymore, and it’s to the point it’s effecting both my work and my health. I’ve had multiple doctors order me and write notes to take time off work, and reduce my stress. So last week my boss made a comment that was basically “put in more effort, do more, or you may want to step down before they demote you.” In the past I’ve gritted my teeth and tried to do better but I’m out of Fs…

I’ve been with my company for over a decade, mostly in a supervisory role for various teams, been moved as needed where the role was most required, then moving to another team to help them.

Three years ago our department got a new director and things started going downhill.

Between changes in staffing, metric expectations, and the very day to day details of the job, I don’t recognize the group I’m working for anymore, and it’s to the point it’s effecting both my work and my health. I’ve had multiple doctors order me and write notes to take time off work, and reduce my stress.

So last week my boss made a comment that was basically “put in more effort, do more, or you may want to step down before they demote you.”

In the past I’ve gritted my teeth and tried to do better but I’m out of Fs and too tired to care. I’m done,

So instead I asked her if we could get with HR and find out what my pay rate would be, and it’s only $1 less an hour.

Suddenly it’s “well you should think about this, there’s no need to make a decision now, let’s talk about this later”

So yeah, I’m getting ready to resign, and coast a bit while looking for a new job.

Don’t know who’ll replace me. Not my problem.

Feels good.

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