
Scared to quit a job I just started because of a toxic boss

I’ve decided I’m going back to school for my masters degree in biology. I’m 100% certain this is what is best for me and my career goals. However I JUST started this job like 5 months ago and my boss genuinely seems to believe I, a 22 year old recent graduate, am going to stay here forever and dedicate my life to this boring pointless profession. It’s not even what I studied in college lol. I just took this job to make money and take a gap year in my new city before grad school. My boss is 70 and assumes that I’m now “under his wing” and that my goal is to follow in his footsteps. He also happens to be the most toxic egotistical ass I’ve ever met. Words literally fail to describe how awful this man can be. So basically to summarize: -toxic, egotistical boss who regularly…

I’ve decided I’m going back to school for my masters degree in biology. I’m 100% certain this is what is best for me and my career goals.

However I JUST started this job like 5 months ago and my boss genuinely seems to believe I, a 22 year old recent graduate, am going to stay here forever and dedicate my life to this boring pointless profession. It’s not even what I studied in college lol.

I just took this job to make money and take a gap year in my new city before grad school. My boss is 70 and assumes that I’m now “under his wing” and that my goal is to follow in his footsteps. He also happens to be the most toxic egotistical ass I’ve ever met. Words literally fail to describe how awful this man can be.

So basically to summarize:

-toxic, egotistical boss who regularly gets into screaming matches with clients, employees, etc. in the middle of the office and verbally intimidates and belittles us daily.

-complete lack of organization or structure throughout the office at all. Job folders frequently get lost for weeks at a time and delay the project only to be found behind a desk after the client or us has missed a deadline.

-No training whatsoever. I was never trained on anything I didn’t know (which is not necessarily a problem) but was expected to immediately produce work as quickly as 10+ year employees.

— Shady business practices. Essentially the company racks up a lot of hours doing essentially bullshit things unrelated to the actual projects. The boss however, puts ALL of this time toward various projects and has previously sent clients bills of 9,000 dollars for a job we quoted at 2,500 which could’ve easily been completed more efficiently at less cost if the company had their shit even somewhat together. He essentially wants no “non billable hours” whatsoever.

-depressing work environment. The boss has a exploitative attitude and makes it very clear that he owns us and our time. Anyone who takes time off is criticized ruthlessly for doing so out of earshot. I am currently out sick with covid and he was an ass about me leaving early yesterday because I didn’t feel good. I think he assumed I was making it up. The feeling of “I’m a subhuman worker bee” is ever present around him. My coworkers have shared this sentiment.

-poor professional practices(land surveying company by the way). Basically new survey techs fresh out of college determine actual land boundaries with little to no supervision. These frequently end up being a mess and usually get signed and sent through because the higher up surveyor who reviews this shit is like 80 and has completely checked out mentally.

Anyway i know what I’m doing and now I need to put in my notice. Only problem is, and I can’t emphasize this enough, my boss is a volatile person. Again, he seems to be under the impression that I am personally “under his wing” and want to dedicate my career to working for him. Obviously I don’t. And he won’t take it well. None of the higher ups will take it well because they aren’t self aware to realize I’m leaving because the company is a fuckin disaster.

But I’m particularly worried about my boss. Frankly I’m expecting a tirade of verbal abuse as soon as I tell him but I’m honestly almost worried he would get physically aggressive. I fucking HATE conflict and don’t want to deal with this crap but I need to get out of there NOW.

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