So, my days off are Tuesday Wednesday, and I have worked night shift (3:30pm- 12:30am) for the past 3 months, I am one of the most senior operators of the team and our 2 new guys are working strictly days.
I had been assured that come January 1st I would be switched over to days when the new crew members were trained, and I had received a schedule showing my days off changing (I had scheduled to have the 27th off as a vacation day for my gf birthday) and my days off were changing to Wednesday Thursday, so I would have had 27-29 off and I had arranged plans for thoes 3 days, plans that are not easy to cancel. The schedule also showed that I would be starting day shifts beginning Dec 24 and they would carry on for the rest of the year.
Well today my boss decided to tell me, very briefly as he walked out the door that my shifts would be staying the same and I would be continuing night shift for the rest of the season (late feb early March) as if it was no big deal and I wouldn’t care, well I do.
Not only does this screw me in a bunch of ways, it also robs me of a paid vacation day that I had earned. I have already been payed out for the vacation days I was unable to take this year, so this day has just disappeared, and I feel like I am entitled to it, not only that but it also makes it so I don’t have the 29th off and now I have to cancel my girlfriends birthday trip I was going to suprise her with.
The fact that my boss thought so little of this that he figured a quick mention would suffice pisses me off.
May not be a big deal to some, but I work to live, I do not live to work.
Edit: another thing that pissed me off was that he said “ and this whole being exactly on time thing has to stop, we expect you to be here 15 min prior to your starting time to help the shift change” but the moment I mentioned him paying for that time he had nothing to say.
TLDR: boss changed my entire schedule for the next 3-4 months with 3 days notice after promising the exact opposite and ruined my girlfriends birthday lol