
Schedule changed Friday night putting me on to work Saturday morning.

I’m not going in. I’m already expecting to get calls in the morning from my boss wondering where I’m at and guilt tripping me for not coming in. I have family in town specifically to see me and my fiancé tomorrow so I can’t exactly blow them off for work. I’m salary so it’s not like I even get any extra pay for coming in. Boss also made us work through Labor Day weekend INCLUDING Labor Day! I haven’t had a weekend off since the 4th of July! The other day I came into work clean shaven (I usually have a short scruffy beard) and the boss made a joke about if I had an interview coming up. I told him nope (which was the truth as I had MULTIPLE interviews coming up). Two of which pay $20k more than what I’m making now! I can’t wait to put in…

I’m not going in.

I’m already expecting to get calls in the morning from my boss wondering where I’m at and guilt tripping me for not coming in. I have family in town specifically to see me and my fiancé tomorrow so I can’t exactly blow them off for work.

I’m salary so it’s not like I even get any extra pay for coming in. Boss also made us work through Labor Day weekend INCLUDING Labor Day! I haven’t had a weekend off since the 4th of July!

The other day I came into work clean shaven (I usually have a short scruffy beard) and the boss made a joke about if I had an interview coming up. I told him nope (which was the truth as I had MULTIPLE interviews coming up). Two of which pay $20k more than what I’m making now!

I can’t wait to put in my resignation!

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