
Scheduled three Saturdays in a row, outside of my availability.

I started a new job last month at a local retail store. At the interview, the manager and I discussed my availability. I told him I'd have to be unavailable on Saturdays from 2-6 pm (for D&D). We discussed and agreed that I could still remain available after 6pm. December 9th comes by, and I'm scheduled on the 17th over the time I said I was unavailable. I try to discuss, but he just pulls the “b-b-but it's Christmas” card on me. I (begrudgingly) worked the shift after being reassured by my DM that we wouldn't be doing D&D sessions until after Christmas. Christmas Eve is a mandatory day on, no way around that one. But then my schedule for the next week comes up and I'm scheduled 1-7 pm that day. Exactly one hour before D&D would begin and exactly one hour after D&D would end. I feel like…

I started a new job last month at a local retail store. At the interview, the manager and I discussed my availability. I told him I'd have to be unavailable on Saturdays from 2-6 pm (for D&D). We discussed and agreed that I could still remain available after 6pm. December 9th comes by, and I'm scheduled on the 17th over the time I said I was unavailable. I try to discuss, but he just pulls the “b-b-but it's Christmas” card on me. I (begrudgingly) worked the shift after being reassured by my DM that we wouldn't be doing D&D sessions until after Christmas. Christmas Eve is a mandatory day on, no way around that one. But then my schedule for the next week comes up and I'm scheduled 1-7 pm that day. Exactly one hour before D&D would begin and exactly one hour after D&D would end. I feel like he's doing this just to piss me off. And it's not that someone different is doing the schedules, either. I spoke with one of the other co-managers and she said the head manager always does the scheduling. I put in a time-off request, and I'm going to try to change my availability to outright exclude Saturdays, because I'm tired of him taking a mile when I give an inch.

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