
Scheduling headaches.

I cannot count the number of times I’ve told the scheduler what days I’m not available, but they keep scheduling me for those days. I’ve also repeated many many times, that they can’t add new shifts less than two weeks out WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST. But they still do that too. I’m sick and tired of scrambling to find last minute covers for last minute shifts on days I’ve repeatedly stated that I can’t work but am now expected to either skip out on my other responsibilities or find someone to cover for me. I asked for two weeks heads up to changes in the schedule because that seemed reasonable. But apparently that’s a pipe dream. Many times I get added to shifts only a day or two before hand. It pisses me off because it means they’re letting someone else bail on their shifts and instead of asking…

I cannot count the number of times I’ve told the scheduler what days I’m not available, but they keep scheduling me for those days. I’ve also repeated many many times, that they can’t add new shifts less than two weeks out WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST. But they still do that too. I’m sick and tired of scrambling to find last minute covers for last minute shifts on days I’ve repeatedly stated that I can’t work but am now expected to either skip out on my other responsibilities or find someone to cover for me. I asked for two weeks heads up to changes in the schedule because that seemed reasonable. But apparently that’s a pipe dream. Many times I get added to shifts only a day or two before hand. It pisses me off because it means they’re letting someone else bail on their shifts and instead of asking that person to figure it out, they’ve gone and made it my problem.

I’ve warned them many times that if it doesn’t stop I’ll leave. That I can’t keep doing this. I’ve also offered to take over scheduling (I am qualified and have the right program admin privileges, and have been trained in it), there was some pearl clutching at the very thought. I know I’m being taken advantage of because I’m reliable and not much of a complainer. But I’m getting burned out with picking up the slack. I’m thinking about going to the manager and telling them they can either put me in charge of scheduling so I can put a stop to this nonsense. Or they can file my resignation letter and update my job description. I’m so incredibly tired of this.

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