
Screw you cagey company, I’m paying the workers directly.

So I arranged for a well known junk removal company to come take stuff we’ve just replaced. The website doesn’t actually list their prices but I figure, how bad can it be. Well, it can be over $400 to take away four items. Had I known that I wouldn’t have booked it. But now the nice young men who work there are standing in my house and I really want this shit gone. So I cancel my order with the company, but give these guys cash (less than quote) to take it. I find out that they make $200 a day normally so I’ve almost doubled their take home for today. Happy to pay them the cash since they are the ones doing the work. Merry Christmas y’all. EDIT: lol got a call from the company to confirm the cancellation, and they asked if I’d still want the service if…

So I arranged for a well known junk removal company to come take stuff we’ve just replaced. The website doesn’t actually list their prices but I figure, how bad can it be. Well, it can be over $400 to take away four items. Had I known that I wouldn’t have booked it. But now the nice young men who work there are standing in my house and I really want this shit gone. So I cancel my order with the company, but give these guys cash (less than quote) to take it. I find out that they make $200 a day normally so I’ve almost doubled their take home for today. Happy to pay them the cash since they are the ones doing the work. Merry Christmas y’all.

EDIT: lol got a call from the company to confirm the cancellation, and they asked if I’d still want the service if they went down to $150 instead. Like, how much are you overcharging to begin with if that’s what you dropped down to????

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