
Second day training and I find that I am working for a Super Karen.

Part time job. Yesterday I “trained” for 3 hours. Boss/owner was on the phone 3/4 of the time. I go in today and she gives me her personal physical therapy appointments to add to her calendar in Outlook. I entered them but I didn't send them to her. I believed since I'm adding to her calendar (I can see her other appointments) everything should be ok. Well I guess not because she yelled at me. “You have to get this right honey. Now you have to do rework which is wasting time”. Second day. While I'm updating her calendar I am also on the phone with IT support at GoDaddy getting voice recognition set up and running on 2 computers. She interrupts to chew the guy out for taking so long using the expletives “Fuck” as in this is fucking taking to long, and “What is this shit”, so on…

Part time job. Yesterday I “trained” for 3 hours. Boss/owner was on the phone 3/4 of the time.

I go in today and she gives me her personal physical therapy appointments to add to her calendar in Outlook. I entered them but I didn't send them to her. I believed since I'm adding to her calendar (I can see her other appointments) everything should be ok. Well I guess not because she yelled at me. “You have to get this right honey. Now you have to do rework which is wasting time”. Second day.

While I'm updating her calendar I am also on the phone with IT support at GoDaddy getting voice recognition set up and running on 2 computers. She interrupts to chew the guy out for taking so long using the expletives “Fuck” as in this is fucking taking to long, and “What is this shit”, so on and so forth. If I was the guy I would have dropped her call like a hot potato.

I'm disabled with one arm, so this software makes me faster at tasks that require a keyboard. She's annoyed that she is doing this, only for me.

Fast forward about an hour later and she is “training” me on the proprietary software necessary to run the business. I can't see what she's doing because the text is so small and I'm in a chair about 4ft behind her. But now I'm afraid to say anything. She runs into an issue and begins to berate the Chinese that run everything, and buy US real estate, following it up with ” I hate the Chinese and their Covid”. She's anti vax. Asked me if I got the shots in an “you're an idiot” tone of voice. Also people are sick from wearing masks. She is planning to show me videos on YouTube to prove it to me.

Yesterday she says that people aren't qualified for their jobs because people are hiring people “with darker skin and immigrants”.

At this point I'm just keeping my head down trying to get proficient enough that I won't have to interact with her so much.

She puts her hand on my knee and says, “there is so much data entry with this job that needs to be done quickly, but we'll see how it goes”.

I want to cry. This is the second time I've been in training only to be told after a couple of days that I'm too slow. I am slower, but I am not slow. I need the money. It's in walking distance from my apartment. It's the kind of work I know I can do.

I feel discriminated against, but what can I do.

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