
I see the other perspective now.

I used to have a huge decently well constructed base of negative opinions of the elite, and things surrounding the elite, all combined with information to back them up, and information on how to solve these issues. I seriously cared about the state of society, I seriously wanted to help society. I saw how many of our issues are caused by many very wealthy individuals. Now my beliefs are shifting. As I've cared so much for society, I've given large efforts to improve it. In those efforts I've come to realize that the majority of the issues the American public faces are due to the public itself. Public ignorance. I've spent likely hundreds of hours spending time with people, trying to fix their ignorances. Out of hundreds or maybe thousands of people I've talked to, less than ten made any difference, less than five showed a more complete difference, and…

I used to have a huge decently well constructed base of negative opinions of the elite, and things surrounding the elite, all combined with information to back them up, and information on how to solve these issues. I seriously cared about the state of society, I seriously wanted to help society. I saw how many of our issues are caused by many very wealthy individuals.

Now my beliefs are shifting. As I've cared so much for society, I've given large efforts to improve it. In those efforts I've come to realize that the majority of the issues the American public faces are due to the public itself. Public ignorance. I've spent likely hundreds of hours spending time with people, trying to fix their ignorances. Out of hundreds or maybe thousands of people I've talked to, less than ten made any difference, less than five showed a more complete difference, and out of those I'd bet zero made any lasting difference. The effort is useless. In most of the encounters I've had, people react negatively, and attack me, their ego gets bruised, their ignorant opinions guide them, this leads the whole effort to actually being harmful to me. I get harmed for try to help, and I can provide no substantive help. Though my desire for a well crafted environment still exists. Previously I had no care for the politics and moralities of Lobsters. They didn't concern me. Well, I think I'm adopting a similar belief with humans. They won't concern me. I can still get that well crafted environment I'm after, I only have to take the entirety of humanity, or a whole human country out of it. I am only able to achieve it for myself, and some few people around me. So that's what I will do. My moralities shift, my goals shift. I am now accepting of using the public for my own purposes, even if it hurts them. It's their own fault. I need what I need. I will get it.

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