
Security guards hospital workers are not considered real considered real employees

Worked during a Global Pandemic, forced to work mandatory overtime, had co workers die, was attacked by staff members and patients when telling them to put a mask on, have been in fist fights with contagious individuals, been spit at ny patinets, worked in the ER and Psych ward in a pandemic, was never given any type of bonuses or incentives besides have people banging pots at 7pm. And recently HR likes to have meetings at 12am in front of other depts to tell us we arent worth the money And btw I work for 1 of the “best hospital” in the country

Worked during a Global Pandemic, forced to work mandatory overtime, had co workers die, was attacked by staff members and patients when telling them to put a mask on, have been in fist fights with contagious individuals, been spit at ny patinets, worked in the ER and Psych ward in a pandemic, was never given any type of bonuses or incentives besides have people banging pots at 7pm.

And recently HR likes to have meetings at 12am in front of other depts to tell us we arent worth the money

And btw I work for 1 of the “best hospital” in the country

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