
Seeing my employer posting on sites for a full time cersion of my position

I’m a secretary at a hospital. I’ve been in the position for three years part-time (2 days a week). About six months ago, the full time secretary (3 days a week) retired. They started posting online and interviewing people for the position. I expressed interest but my managers never responded or averted my questions. They hired two per diem secretaries and I heard from my coworkers that a secretary from another floor has been doing the three days, though this is not reflected on the schedule. They are still posting on various job sites for a full time secretary. I am handling all of the ordering and getting flack for things not being stocked on days I am not there. The other secretaries do not know how to order and do not have the most pleasant demeanor, often complaining or being grouchy, while I make soft skills a priority. Why…

I’m a secretary at a hospital. I’ve been in the position for three years part-time (2 days a week). About six months ago, the full time secretary (3 days a week) retired. They started posting online and interviewing people for the position. I expressed interest but my managers never responded or averted my questions. They hired two per diem secretaries and I heard from my coworkers that a secretary from another floor has been doing the three days, though this is not reflected on the schedule. They are still posting on various job sites for a full time secretary. I am handling all of the ordering and getting flack for things not being stocked on days I am not there. The other secretaries do not know how to order and do not have the most pleasant demeanor, often complaining or being grouchy, while I make soft skills a priority. Why is my work still looking for someone else full time? Picking up a third day would bump me into full time and increase my benefits. That is the only difference here, I am asking for one more day a week but they continue to ignore me, hire less qualified people, are being shady about the schedule and still actively looking for a full timer. Any perspectives here?

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