
seeking advice: micromanaged out of nowhere?

I've been working for the same company for over 7 years. A little over a year before the pandemic some family circumstances arose that required me to move half way across the globe and I was given the opportunity to work remote, for a new department. I worked remote without too much oversight as I was 10 hours ahead of the office. During my time away and since I've received glowing reviews year over year and have tangible metrics to show the impact of my work. After about 2 years of not getting raises because “We are facing financial uncertainties brought on by the pandemic,” I was “awarded” a 69 cent raise while also being told that I'd now report under two departments and take on a role left vacant by an entry level employee departing due to low wages. I was never given a say in the matter, and…

I've been working for the same company for over 7 years. A little over a year before the pandemic some family circumstances arose that required me to move half way across the globe and I was given the opportunity to work remote, for a new department.

I worked remote without too much oversight as I was 10 hours ahead of the office. During my time away and since I've received glowing reviews year over year and have tangible metrics to show the impact of my work.

After about 2 years of not getting raises because “We are facing financial uncertainties brought on by the pandemic,” I was “awarded” a 69 cent raise while also being told that I'd now report under two departments and take on a role left vacant by an entry level employee departing due to low wages. I was never given a say in the matter, and when I asked about increased compensation for increased roles (taking on a second 40 hour a week job, effectively) I was more of less laughed out of the meeting.

In response i let the company know I could no longer sustain my current role let alone take on more work without compensation. My raise doubled…

Beyond all this and the lack of integrity it shows, since that initial conversation my direct supervisor now has taken a liking to micromanaging me. They question my every move including my timesheet (never been a question before), my project development (I've never had to run ideas past anyone), and demands I track every stage in my work as a writer (i.e. tell me what story idea you have, then report that I'm doing research, now I'm drafting a first round of copy, now I'm sourcing quotes, now I'm implementing these quotes, now I'm editing, etc.)

Has anyone else experienced this type of…..control? Covert retaliation? Micromanagement? I have no idea what to call it. I'm already aggressively searching for new work but not having much luck so I'm hoping anyone has some helpful advice to deal with management who is so far in your business it not only impacts productivity but also invalidates everything you've done.

Sorry for any typos/mistakes as I'm on mobile.

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