
Seething with rage after this Zoom meeting

Yesterday I had a Zoom meeting for work for our whole team. The presentation was lead by my boss’s business coach. It didn’t sit right with me. The points that were driven home were bothersome. Such as: Small goals don’t matter and they mean nothing. And I’m sitting there silently seething with rage because I’m thinking to myself, ‘well what about those of us who struggle with our mental health? With chronic pain?’ Sometimes small goals are the only goals. And how you should always push yourself even harder even when you think you can’t go any farther. I get that, but I feel like it’s almost encouraging work related burnout which I don’t agree with. And the other thing was how you should always be honest with people even if it is harsh because respect is more important than being liked. Again, I don’t agree with this. In some…

Yesterday I had a Zoom meeting for work for our whole team. The presentation was lead by my boss’s business coach. It didn’t sit right with me. The points that were driven home were bothersome. Such as: Small goals don’t matter and they mean nothing. And I’m sitting there silently seething with rage because I’m thinking to myself, ‘well what about those of us who struggle with our mental health? With chronic pain?’ Sometimes small goals are the only goals. And how you should always push yourself even harder even when you think you can’t go any farther. I get that, but I feel like it’s almost encouraging work related burnout which I don’t agree with.

And the other thing was how you should always be honest with people even if it is harsh because respect is more important than being liked. Again, I don’t agree with this. In some cases, yes. But you have to learn how to be kind. The example the business coach used was someone who goes to his gym got a new hairstyle and she asked him how it looked and he said he was honest and told her she looked hideous. I’m like ???? It is a matter of opinion, not a fact. And I don’t feel like this behavior is going to make anyone respect you if you just act like a straight up a**hole. And lastly, how you should always want to go higher. Some of us don’t want to keep climbing the corporate ladder and we should be allowed to be content where we are. Sorry for the vent. I just found myself tuning out the entire time yesterday because it was really getting under my skin. I actually had to turn my camera off to hide my rage, lmao.

Why can’t we ever have work related meetings like ‘good enough is good enough’. And talking about ways to PREVENT burnout instead of how you should just exhaust yourself and work even harder when you feel like you can’t which will inevitably lead to burnout? And ways you can and should implement self care and boundaries if you really can’t take on any additional projects?

Those are the kind of meetings I want to attend. I hate it here.

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