My previous workplace (restaurant) proclaimed about being diverse and accepting. They accepted gay men, but lesbians were made fun of. They had one black person working there (they had two venues and there was only one black person at each establishment. Coincident? I think not.) FOH were all white, polishers were Asian (from one specific country that attracts the most white sexpats) and BOH were Nepalese and Latinos.
They claimed their style was from the 60s. I walked out feeling like I just came out of the sixties.
Edit: Honestly, the first red flag was when the manager claimed about having Irish ancestry. From my experience, when people bring up their ancestry, ethnicity or ask you about yours, they're racist. I know Irish has a history of being discriminated against, but to become a racist yourself is just as bad.
Edit 2: Not sure why people are bringing up about quotas in hiring. Unrelated!!!