
Self-Checkouts are the WORST

Just did our groceries this evening. One cashier, only a quick lane, super over-loaded. Of course had like 6 self-checkouts open for everyone else with full carts. One poor guy working them. And this is by far one of the worst ones I have used. The scale is super quick to register weights and the grocery bag area is super sensitive. Things don't ring up well. It was chaos. Poor guy is running around like a maniac trying to solve all the problems. We all had multiple. All created by their shitty system. I had sweet potatoes to weigh and it was slightly on me because I had my own cloth bags for them but didn't know how to do the tare weight thing, so I went to weigh them loose but the damn scale was too quick. I set one down and then super quickly the other 3, but…

Just did our groceries this evening. One cashier, only a quick lane, super over-loaded. Of course had like 6 self-checkouts open for everyone else with full carts. One poor guy working them. And this is by far one of the worst ones I have used. The scale is super quick to register weights and the grocery bag area is super sensitive. Things don't ring up well. It was chaos. Poor guy is running around like a maniac trying to solve all the problems. We all had multiple. All created by their shitty system.

I had sweet potatoes to weigh and it was slightly on me because I had my own cloth bags for them but didn't know how to do the tare weight thing, so I went to weigh them loose but the damn scale was too quick. I set one down and then super quickly the other 3, but it rang up the one really fast. I looked at it and was confused at first and the hubs was like 'eff it' because he despises self-checkouts. Of course the bag area weight doesn't match the weight rung up so it freezes everything and “calls” the attendant. He comes over mumbling something about 5 of the 6 all needing assistance at once. He was frazzled. Quickly unlocks my thing and says I'm good. Then he stops and pauses when he sees the potatoes and I know it clicked with him right there. Then he looks at me, nods with a knowing look and says a second time, “you're good.”

I don't need free sweet potatoes. They were on sale and I probably got about $2.50 worth. But I knew and he knew. Fuck this shit! I was done. He was way past done. I don't work for this grocery chain but they get free labour from me and overwork and overwhelm the one poor employee manning several checkouts when it's busy.

As we walk out, he's desperately trying to search a price for one person while another customer is approaching him for help. Husband says, “Well, that guy's quitting after his shift!”. I hope he does and leaves them high and dry.

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