
Self Generated Vacations Guide Programmer Geek Edition

I'm the only IT/programmer guy for a small business and I'm a part owner(super minority) as well.. the heads say we need this feature for the site and it's kind of a pain in the ass but not too hard .. but at the same time i'm kind of burned out on shit and fishing is good. SO send back a few times what the specs are on the changes asking questions about specifics (always a good idea) .. then solve and program the new shit and test it .. (maybe a day).. then GO FISHING (or whatever you like) Then keep telling the bosses you are still working some bugs.. send a screenshot and ask about layout if they like it. Every day just send them some crap to make them think you are working like a mofo meanwhile smoke your fish and have a beer then on like…

I'm the only IT/programmer guy for a small business and I'm a part owner(super minority) as well.. the heads say we need this feature for the site and it's kind of a pain in the ass but not too hard .. but at the same time i'm kind of burned out on shit and fishing is good.

SO send back a few times what the specs are on the changes asking questions about specifics (always a good idea) .. then solve and program the new shit and test it .. (maybe a day).. then GO FISHING (or whatever you like)

Then keep telling the bosses you are still working some bugs.. send a screenshot and ask about layout if they like it. Every day just send them some crap to make them think you are working like a mofo

meanwhile smoke your fish and have a beer

then on like a sunday night (a week later) put the change in .. and then Monday the bosses and clueless are like OMG thanks for doing this. Yeah no probemo

And then go fishing again

The point is if they can't do your job .. make your job seem really hard .. harder than it really is.. and then when you do the job the fools are amazed and beholden to your greatness (even though it's really not true). Yeah once in a while you do have to pull some shit and really work out but most of the time I just skate along

cheers just some BS advice

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