
Seniority shouldn’t be a factor of you haven’t hired new people in almost a year

I was pulled to work on Labor Day because I am lowest in seniority in my team. The thing is I’ve been working here nearly a year, my team has been understaffed, and they haven’t hired new people to it since I started. I was also the one who had to work on the last holiday and the one before that because none of my other coworkers want to come in. At this point I think it would be fair to have someone else take this one holiday so I can actually relax and spend time with my family since I have not had any vacation time to be off. God this is BS

I was pulled to work on Labor Day because I am lowest in seniority in my team. The thing is I’ve been working here nearly a year, my team has been understaffed, and they haven’t hired new people to it since I started. I was also the one who had to work on the last holiday and the one before that because none of my other coworkers want to come in. At this point I think it would be fair to have someone else take this one holiday so I can actually relax and spend time with my family since I have not had any vacation time to be off.

God this is BS

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