
Seratonin High: My replacement also quit

*Edit – Serotonin. damnit. It's been at least 2 weeks since I found out and it still floods my brain with happy chemicals every time I think about it.I left a non-profit hellscape 2 years ago, after 5+ years. When things got bad (toxic management and excruciating workloads), I did all the things to make my concerns heard professionally (and 1000% got flagged as trouble each time, I'm sure). I didn't want to quit, I genuinely liked the work. It was just too much with no support (the non-profit way, with assholes at the helm). They hired my replacement, and I helped train them (I was the only one that did what I did, and I didn't want to burn bridges, though they would have deserved that). My replacement was arguably more qualified than me, I liked them. I honestly felt bad for them, but I hoped it would be…

*Edit – Serotonin. damnit.

It's been at least 2 weeks since I found out and it still floods my brain with happy chemicals every time I think about it.I left a non-profit hellscape 2 years ago, after 5+ years. When things got bad (toxic management and excruciating workloads), I did all the things to make my concerns heard professionally (and 1000% got flagged as trouble each time, I'm sure). I didn't want to quit, I genuinely liked the work. It was just too much with no support (the non-profit way, with assholes at the helm).

They hired my replacement, and I helped train them (I was the only one that did what I did, and I didn't want to burn bridges, though they would have deserved that). My replacement was arguably more qualified than me, I liked them. I honestly felt bad for them, but I hoped it would be better – fresh start for everyone maybe (and they were paying them about 15% more than they paid me, which I laughed incredibly hard at). But also, IDGAF, I was on cloud a million when I walked out that door for the last time.

~18 months later, they also quit that mthr fckn nightmare and I've never been more proud of a stranger in my life.

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