
(serious) Can my boss gire me if I ignore his texts on a weekend?

My boss has 0 concept of work life balance. We are paid for working a 40 hour week but its more like 60 hours most weeks ( unpaid of course ). Has a habit of messaging about work during the weekends too. This weekend is my first weekend truly off to myself for months. This morning he messaged me and emailed about small things but I just am leaving it on read. If I get another message asking to respond, and I ignore that, would he have grounds for firing me ? It's nothing urgent, just asking for some input on a project.

My boss has 0 concept of work life balance. We are paid for working a 40 hour week but its more like 60 hours most weeks ( unpaid of course ). Has a habit of messaging about work during the weekends too.

This weekend is my first weekend truly off to myself for months. This morning he messaged me and emailed about small things but I just am leaving it on read.

If I get another message asking to respond, and I ignore that, would he have grounds for firing me ? It's nothing urgent, just asking for some input on a project.

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