
Server Life

Server in a smaller bar/restaurant establishment. Worked out the first few weeks but I’m simply not making much- aside from the season, they overstaff the floor frequently (aka putting all of their staff on) & seems to be the biggest hiccup that they are not willing to change. I expressed to the owners that I would be looking for other employment but would give a weeks notice at least. Owner seemed fine with this & that I even told them & gave them a heads up. I know they lost two servers this week already. Came in today, put in my weeks notice & was literally told to to punch out. I forgot that common courtesy wasn’t a thing in the industry. Smh. Luckily, I contacted my new place and they are letting me start training tomorrow.

Server in a smaller bar/restaurant establishment. Worked out the first few weeks but I’m simply not making much- aside from the season, they overstaff the floor frequently (aka putting all of their staff on) & seems to be the biggest hiccup that they are not willing to change. I expressed to the owners that I would be looking for other employment but would give a weeks notice at least. Owner seemed fine with this & that I even told them & gave them a heads up.

I know they lost two servers this week already.

Came in today, put in my weeks notice & was literally told to to punch out. I forgot that common courtesy wasn’t a thing in the industry. Smh.

Luckily, I contacted my new place and they are letting me start training tomorrow.

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