
Serving/Bartending as a Career?

Just graduated college in May and started a full time 9-5 corporate job last month. Needless to say, I miss my restaurant jobs so badly. The social environment, physical exercise on the clock, interacting with people from all over the world, flexible work hours, being part of a team. Being around a bunch of 20 somethings like me is something I miss working in an older office environment. I actually enjoy serving tables. In contrast, I’m miserable at my 9 to 5. I stare at a computer for 9 hours a day and barely get to interact with anyone. I can’t see myself working corporate the rest of my life. Has anyone else quit a job to work restaurants or chosen this path as a career? I hear it gets a lot of hate, but I’m not one to follow the crowd anyways. With my experience, I could see myself…

Just graduated college in May and started a full time 9-5 corporate job last month. Needless to say, I miss my restaurant jobs so badly. The social environment, physical exercise on the clock, interacting with people from all over the world, flexible work hours, being part of a team. Being around a bunch of 20 somethings like me is something I miss working in an older office environment. I actually enjoy serving tables. In contrast, I’m miserable at my 9 to 5. I stare at a computer for 9 hours a day and barely get to interact with anyone. I can’t see myself working corporate the rest of my life.

Has anyone else quit a job to work restaurants or chosen this path as a career? I hear it gets a lot of hate, but I’m not one to follow the crowd anyways. With my experience, I could see myself getting into management at some point down the line.

Any advice?

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