
Set up and fired

This happened last year, middle of the pandemic. I’m a full time student, part time worker, commuting 35 minutes to serve at a shitty restaurant known for pancakes. This being a restaurant that is fully staffed yet takes an hour to make food for 5 people in a breakfast rush. Anyways, table of five comes in at 9am, and immediately starts complaining about me. Not sure, but I suspect it’s because I am unable to give them my undivided attention. Their food order is taken within 2 minutes, according to the SOP, and then I just keep ferrying drinks as we wait. 9:30 rolls around and they are getting restless, yet there’s nothing I can do about that. I keep telling them that it’s a Sunday breakfast and that while I give them my apologies, there is nothing I can do about the situation. 10 rolls around and they call…

This happened last year, middle of the pandemic. I’m a full time student, part time worker, commuting 35 minutes to serve at a shitty restaurant known for pancakes. This being a restaurant that is fully staffed yet takes an hour to make food for 5 people in a breakfast rush. Anyways, table of five comes in at 9am, and immediately starts complaining about me. Not sure, but I suspect it’s because I am unable to give them my undivided attention. Their food order is taken within 2 minutes, according to the SOP, and then I just keep ferrying drinks as we wait. 9:30 rolls around and they are getting restless, yet there’s nothing I can do about that. I keep telling them that it’s a Sunday breakfast and that while I give them my apologies, there is nothing I can do about the situation.

10 rolls around and they call for a manager. Said manager immediately yells at me in front of the entire staff, and sends me home, telling me they’ll let me know if I still have a job by tomorrow.

They never call obviously, and I have Monday and Tuesday off. I call Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday just to be told that “they haven’t decided on a punishment, take the day off”. I say fuck it and go in on Saturday when the GM will be there, and they tell me that I was officially fired Friday for not reporting to work, 3 nc/ns and I’m done. This prevented me from applying for unemployment as well. Sorry for the wall of text but I just absolutely needed to tell someone how dumbfounded I was.

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