
Setting boundaries

The past month I have decided to set up boundaries for my work as it was going into my personal time (emails or text after hours or ask me to do things outside my job function). Which I usually wouldn’t respond to since I wasn’t on the clock. They than texted me acknowledging it was outside work hours but demanded a response. They low balled my raise when they had no complaints and I actually overachieved. So I simply started acting my wage after this. If they’re not going to pay me to go above and beyond than I won’t. My raise is still lower than the initial position range. My boss than pulls me aside and said I switched. Than complained I told him “I don’t know” to a question he asked me outside of my knowledge that he should know. My boss also doesn’t listen and will ask…

The past month I have decided to set up boundaries for my work as it was going into my personal time (emails or text after hours or ask me to do things outside my job function). Which I usually wouldn’t respond to since I wasn’t on the clock. They than texted me acknowledging it was outside work hours but demanded a response. They low balled my raise when they had no complaints and I actually overachieved. So I simply started acting my wage after this. If they’re not going to pay me to go above and beyond than I won’t. My raise is still lower than the initial position range. My boss than pulls me aside and said I switched. Than complained I told him “I don’t know” to a question he asked me outside of my knowledge that he should know. My boss also doesn’t listen and will ask me the same thing 5x each time like 5 minutes apart. So I started being more stern with him or telling him how but still mentioned that he just asked me. He complains about dumb things he could’ve fixed but is to lazy to.
Is it bad that I see this as a big victory for me? It showed me that my boundaries are working and they noticed. They’re only really upset bc they can’t have me do things outside my job description anymore on or off the clock. I don’t get many emails anymore and no texts (WOOO).
To put in perspective the other two employees will say yes and bend over backwards for the boss. They will work at home or during lunch. If the boss sees them on lunch he will talk to them about work. So my boss feels entitled to have this. He is lazy and just passes on duties to everyone else because he doesn’t know. Since I started my boundaries I have forced him to work basically and do his job and he’s upset by it.

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