
Shady Restaurant

I worked at a restaurant for six years, not a chain, locally owned— the type of place that would insist that the staff was family. However, every time someone put in their two weeks notice, they would get written out of the schedule within one week. Every time. Didn’t matter how long you had worked there. I was young, it was my first job, I started working there when I was 17, so out of loyalty when I decided to go back to school in a different state I gave a month’s notice and was written out of the schedule within a week after six years. I hadn’t recognized the pattern before it happened to me, or I did t think it would happen to me too. I tried to talk to the boss about it and she just deflected and made excuses, burned the bridge. I realized much later…

I worked at a restaurant for six years, not a chain, locally owned— the type of place that would insist that the staff was family. However, every time someone put in their two weeks notice, they would get written out of the schedule within one week. Every time. Didn’t matter how long you had worked there. I was young, it was my first job, I started working there when I was 17, so out of loyalty when I decided to go back to school in a different state I gave a month’s notice and was written out of the schedule within a week after six years. I hadn’t recognized the pattern before it happened to me, or I did t think it would happen to me too. I tried to talk to the boss about it and she just deflected and made excuses, burned the bridge.
I realized much later after talking to mutual friends that worked there with me that they had been skimming my credit card tips, and only raising my pay to meet minimum wage and a bit over with the tips I reported (luckily I got to keep my cash tips). They would skim off the top of the waiter’s CC tips by creating new tickets in the POS system after hours.

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