
Shady Termination Terms

Does this look legal? ​ Future Conduct: a. Non Disparagement: Other than as permitted in Section 3(d), you agree not to make disparaging, critical or otherwise detrimental comments to any person or entity concerning the Company, its officers, directors, managers, members, partners or employees; the products, services or programs provided or to be provided by the Company; the business affairs, operation, management or the financial condition of the Company; or the circumstances surrounding your employment and/or separation of employment from the Company. This includes not leaving negative reviews on online platforms, websites, or forums, including but not limited to Glassdoor. My ex-employer has historically had a number of not-great legal issues in the past so I feel like… them including this in my termination agreement is very shady. It feels like infringement on my 1st amendment right/freedom of speech. ​ Bonus: This introduction paragraph made me squirm, is this normal?…

Does this look legal?

  1. Future Conduct:

a. Non Disparagement: Other than as permitted in Section 3(d), you agree not to make disparaging,
critical or otherwise detrimental comments to any person or entity concerning the Company, its officers, directors, managers, members, partners or employees; the products, services or programs provided or to be provided by the Company; the business affairs, operation, management or the financial condition of the Company; or the circumstances surrounding your employment and/or separation of employment from the Company. This includes not leaving negative reviews on online platforms, websites, or forums, including but not limited to Glassdoor.

My ex-employer has historically had a number of not-great legal issues in the past so I feel like… them including this in my termination agreement is very shady. It feels like infringement on my 1st amendment right/freedom of speech.

Bonus: This introduction paragraph made me squirm, is this normal?

By signing this Agreement, you will be giving up valuable legal rights. For this reason, it is

very important that you carefully review and understand the Agreement before signing it. The

deadline for accepting this Agreement is July 11, 2022, more than twenty-one (21) days from the

date of receipt of this document. If you do not sign and return this document by this date, this

offer of severance and benefits will expire. The Company encourages you to take advantage of

this period of time by consulting with a lawyer before signing the document and you acknowledge

having sufficient opportunity to do so.

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