
Sheffield symmetry medical (tecomet) is finaly increasing its wages at the sheffield site after 40 employees left since christmas

(Throw away) now idk if naming and shaming is allowed on here or not but This company makes mega millions and it requires a lot of skilled, experienced and competent people to make and inspect these parts which are medical impants (knees, hips that sort of shit), they tell lies to get people in the door and they offer new starters more money then its long term staff and sign on bonuses, they have a very large pool of of employees that range from 5-20 years, but all the people who were on the lower end of time served just started leaving for much better paying jobs, this company didnt do shit other then what was stated above, then they got trainee machinists training trainees who were on more money than the trainees and the long termers. They also have a pool of people who have a much higher wage…

(Throw away) now idk if naming and shaming is allowed on here or not but This company makes mega millions and it requires a lot of skilled, experienced and competent people to make and inspect these parts which are medical impants (knees, hips that sort of shit), they tell lies to get people in the door and they offer new starters more money then its long term staff and sign on bonuses, they have a very large pool of of employees that range from 5-20 years, but all the people who were on the lower end of time served just started leaving for much better paying jobs, this company didnt do shit other then what was stated above, then they got trainee machinists training trainees who were on more money than the trainees and the long termers.

They also have a pool of people who have a much higher wage just because they rubbed shoulders with certain people but thats it.

But last week they announced they would be giving everyone across the shopfloor pay rises that still dont match or beat that of other companies and its main competitors, machinists would get a minimum £13 but how much you get above that depends on your assesed lvl.

The only reason why companies like this last so long is because of a few extremely loyal employees but thats starting to change, some people who worked notices during the payrise announcement have back peddled. Not me as i am also leaving for a higher paying job.

This only went as far as it did because of people like me leaving forced them to bool their ideas up, if you hit them were it hurts it will force change.

End of what was basically a rant. Peace out and fuck 'em.

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