
Shit My Boss Says #1

Preamble: I'm a developer. I used to work for a micromanaging tyrant. In order to keep my sanity, I would post some of his shenanigans to friends. I quit a few years ago, but sometimes still work for him as a contractor. This particular incident was documented after I gave one month notice and was in the transition month. That being said, I have a strong work ethic and worked hard every day, right up until the last day. Shit My Boss Says I could have posted almost every hour today. 8 AM: Asked my opinion. Told me it was wrong. Berated me for having such a wrong opinion. Told me I needed to “not be so sensitive”, that he “needs to be able to tell me hard truths” and to have a “thicker skin” when I started to take it personally. 9 AM: Instructed me to start working on…

Preamble: I'm a developer. I used to work for a micromanaging tyrant. In order to keep my sanity, I would post some of his shenanigans to friends. I quit a few years ago, but sometimes still work for him as a contractor.

This particular incident was documented after I gave one month notice and was in the transition month. That being said, I have a strong work ethic and worked hard every day, right up until the last day.

Shit My Boss Says

I could have posted almost every hour today.

8 AM: Asked my opinion. Told me it was wrong. Berated me for having such a wrong opinion. Told me I needed to “not be so sensitive”, that he “needs to be able to tell me hard truths” and to have a “thicker skin” when I started to take it personally.

9 AM: Instructed me to start working on a project that should take “about an hour.” Interrupted me for 45 minutes out of that hour, then complained when the hour had passed and it wasn’t done.

11 AM: Found a bunch of code he forgot to launch on a project I’ve never touched. Called it a “major fuck-up” on my part. Told me “I should be more in touch with what he’s working on” when I asked how I was involved.

12 PM: Told me he needed my help understanding how to finish a coding task. As I’m explaining the approach to him, he says “can you just make it [perform specific task] and explain it to me how it works?” I write the code and start to explain it. He’s clearly not paying attention, but says he gets it. (Continued in 3 PM…)

1 PM: Freaks out that tasks are taking too long to complete, but that the quality of the tasks that are being done in 15 minutes isn’t good enough. I tell him he may need to adjust his time expectations. He responds with “I already paid you to build this once… I don’t want to pay you to build it again.”

2 PM: He finds a file that was created in 2007 and hasn’t been updated since 2010. Tells me that before my last day “in my spare time” I should be going through files and retrofitting them to our new method of coding things. I asked him to define “spare time.” He suggests “you know… if you have some free time on the weekend or at night. If you’re bored and looking for something to do…”

3 PM: Blames me for not understanding how the code was built; tells me it’s because “you took it over” and “you didn’t explain it well enough.”

5 PM: Asked if I was going to be available to work on Sunday since he needed me last week and says I had a “shitty attitude” about it. I was standing up for my one day off after working for him for more than 50 hours.

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