
Shitty Conduct for Interviews

I recently have been interviewing for marketing / advertising roles. It’s been a few years since I’ve been interviewing, and I am aghast by the conduct I’ve noticed. One company told me this role would be starting a new division, so they asked me to complete a couple sample assignments, one of which was providing some recommendations on their tech stack and resourcing for the team. Stupidly, I spend days on the assignments, and then was asked to meet with two more teams (my 5th & 6th round of interviews). After that, the HR rep ghosted and I got her OOO. So I messaged her OOO contact inquiring and got a particularly rude email response – something along the lines of “as you know, original recruiter is out with chronic Illness, and although we haven’t made an offer to anyone, we are going to move in a different direction.” First…

I recently have been interviewing for marketing / advertising roles. It’s been a few years since I’ve been interviewing, and I am aghast by the conduct I’ve noticed.

One company told me this role would be starting a new division, so they asked me to complete a couple sample assignments, one of which was providing some recommendations on their tech stack and resourcing for the team. Stupidly, I spend days on the assignments, and then was asked to meet with two more teams (my 5th & 6th round of interviews). After that, the HR rep ghosted and I got her OOO. So I messaged her OOO contact inquiring and got a particularly rude email response – something along the lines of “as you know, original recruiter is out with chronic Illness, and although we haven’t made an offer to anyone, we are going to move in a different direction.”

First off, how the hell would I know the recruiter was chronically ill? And I’m reading that as – thanks for the tips, we’re going to take them and run without hiring anyone.

For Another agency, I met with one of the owners. His avail was tight and he couldn’t meet any time but 9am(It was an hour earlier as I was in CST at my parents’ house due to a death in the family). I got up early to get ready, hop on the video call, and he keeps his cam off. Doesn’t even acknowledge it…

He then asks me to come in and present my deck, to which I happily oblige. That went well. They then ask me to critique their work, and I have a fairly soft but honest analysis and then they both get defensive.

It all felt so amateur, and as if I should be so lucky to have gotten to interview. I’m used to 5-6x rounds of interviews, but these asinine assignments and expected ass kissing is just beyond me.

Anyone else experience this?

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