
Short story

I moved in to Europe a few years ago, it was my childhood dream. I took any job I could find so I was working at this hotel that was run by a family. The son was the manager and his sister and I had the same occupation there, working at the reception. I worked night shifts, which destroyed my health and aged me a lot. Let's not talk about the lazy employee that had her shifts right after mine ended and would always be late because she didn't want to take the early bus and well… be early. What I wanted to tell is that many times I would have to work 16 hours a day because the sister wouldn't be able to be there. Then, I found out one day why: she was going to parties and concerts. I never again accepted that and would only work my…

I moved in to Europe a few years ago, it was my childhood dream. I took any job I could find so I was working at this hotel that was run by a family. The son was the manager and his sister and I had the same occupation there, working at the reception. I worked night shifts, which destroyed my health and aged me a lot. Let's not talk about the lazy employee that had her shifts right after mine ended and would always be late because she didn't want to take the early bus and well… be early.

What I wanted to tell is that many times I would have to work 16 hours a day because the sister wouldn't be able to be there. Then, I found out one day why: she was going to parties and concerts. I never again accepted that and would only work my own shifts. The wage? 2€ an hour. Not a typo. Two euros an hour. And they used to think I had moved to Europe to “make money” and that “I had never made that much money in my life”.

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