
Should Have Known Better.

I've been having issues with my workplace, and I should have known better than to bother to complain to Human Resources about this because they are nothing more than pawns in the corporate hierarchy. A few months ago I switched from night to day shift, and a few months before that I broke an important self rule; as a Satanist, my three core tenets are Devotion, Secrecy, and Strength. While they are somewhat loose in definition, the most important thing to protect myself is Secrecy, anonymity. Never tell anyone you're a Satanist until you're certain they are as well or at least not a Kristent who is wholly indoctrinated. I get tired of having to hide all the time, but living in Indiana I am constantly reminded that we must act in secret, pull strings behind the curtains, and never reveal our true intentions. I revealed the fact to a…

I've been having issues with my workplace, and I should have known better than to bother to complain to Human Resources about this because they are nothing more than pawns in the corporate hierarchy.

A few months ago I switched from night to day shift, and a few months before that I broke an important self rule; as a Satanist, my three core tenets are Devotion, Secrecy, and Strength. While they are somewhat loose in definition, the most important thing to protect myself is Secrecy, anonymity. Never tell anyone you're a Satanist until you're certain they are as well or at least not a Kristent who is wholly indoctrinated. I get tired of having to hide all the time, but living in Indiana I am constantly reminded that we must act in secret, pull strings behind the curtains, and never reveal our true intentions. I revealed the fact to a Kristent, wears a cross on his helmet and everything. The next day I noticed everyone started behaving differently to me, I started getting followed around by management and watched as if I was going to commit crimes or sacrifices or do drugs on company property.

This same Kristent lied to management, multiple times, and has been caught multiple times, including forging his inspections ( not just a terminable offense but also subject to PERSONAL fines from the Mining Safety and Health Administration, which management covered up among many other cover ups), forging his TIME SHEETS, and other instances as well he's just blatantly lied to everyone. He lied about the work I had done, which resulted in my being sent home. The bigger problem is that I sent a video to my supervisor, showing that the work to be performed was considerably more than usual, and the equipment I had was not working properly. I was sent home, and I spoke with the big boss on Tuesday morning about the situation and explained everything, and explained the whole day to him. I only got a write up for having been late that day.

Moving forward into the past few weeks, we have a company inspection, corporate comes by and inspects everything after MSHA has already been through to not only see the issues but the general conditions we work in as well to see for themselves what needs worked on the most. One of the managers who has already bitched and moaned about my work ethic gets on the company radio and bitches and moans about it where everyone (including the general public because our radios are on public frequencies and aren't encrypted at all) and I had enough of it; I had been waiting for weeks for my equipment to be replaced or repaired, to no avail. I have been waiting weeks for a pair of boots to show up, and I promptly asked management to please go to the store where they sell them and get some. If I don't have either of those, I don't have a way to do my job properly.

I sent an email to H.R about this and all she did was spit corporate rhetoric, and chastise me, instead of listening. I asked her questions she could not answer, and kept changing the subject. Instead of showing the littlest bit of humanity, she doubled down.

Never trust corporations. There are reasons unions exist, because companies will invent whatever narrative they need to justify mistreatment.

Trust no one
Hail Satan
Hail thyself

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