
Should I add a “statement” to my write up?

My employer was not servicing my account per the client service instructions. I brought it up to management, and I was basic told, in email, “yes we are doing this and we’re going to keep doing it.” Feeling that this was unethical because the account I work on pays a much higher premium for these services, i screen shot my supervisor email and sent it to my client. Up to this date, I have not had any complaints about my work. About a week later, I feel the “winds have shifted” at work, and sure enough, I got written up, and it’s basically a bunch of BS. I want to go through and address each item individually as there was never a discussion about most the stuff on there, it’s singling me out (yes I have 39 behind diaries, but my counter part on the account has 95 and my…

My employer was not servicing my account per the client service instructions. I brought it up to management, and I was basic told, in email, “yes we are doing this and we’re going to keep doing it.” Feeling that this was unethical because the account I work on pays a much higher premium for these services, i screen shot my supervisor email and sent it to my client. Up to this date, I have not had any complaints about my work. About a week later, I feel the “winds have shifted” at work, and sure enough, I got written up, and it’s basically a bunch of BS. I want to go through and address each item individually as there was never a discussion about most the stuff on there, it’s singling me out (yes I have 39 behind diaries, but my counter part on the account has 95 and my supervisor has nearly 600). But I feel like point this out could come off wrong or do more harm that good. Also, I want to add that I’m feel like I am being retaliated against; but part of me just wants this to wash over. The write up to me seems like a one sided statement, which they want me to sign and could later use as proof. Should I submit my “side” when I sign and return it? How much info should I include?

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