
Should I be happy with my low paying job if I’ve set up the circumstances to make it work?

4/5 years of straight work, including working all the pandemic. I know how to run the store (not specifying the place to keep some semblance of respect intact+post would be taken down if I named I think as far as I know) I live very close to my job so I don’t have to pay for gas/need a car, and I’m lucky to be able to have cheap rent to be able to cover it within 2 weeks. All that said, I’ve had just one raise in my time here from 15 (Minimum wage in NY) to 16. The bonuses on holidays are nice despite working all of them, and I’m not given any sick days. I do get vacation days, but as far as I’m aware it’s just about a week a year (was willing to go without pay but was given 40 hours for the time I was…

4/5 years of straight work, including working all the pandemic. I know how to run the store (not specifying the place to keep some semblance of respect intact+post would be taken down if I named I think as far as I know) I live very close to my job so I don’t have to pay for gas/need a car, and I’m lucky to be able to have cheap rent to be able to cover it within 2 weeks. All that said, I’ve had just one raise in my time here from 15 (Minimum wage in NY) to 16. The bonuses on holidays are nice despite working all of them, and I’m not given any sick days. I do get vacation days, but as far as I’m aware it’s just about a week a year (was willing to go without pay but was given 40 hours for the time I was away.) I’ve discussed getting a promotion, but was told I need more whole sale accounts despite knowing all my customer base+having good reviews from both customers and coworkers. I’ve been the backbone guy for a long time because I’m so close with an open schedule, so I’ve done my best and still haven’t been able to get better compensation. I like the familiarity and at least I get mandatory overtime of 5 hours now to put me about 750$ a week after taxes. There’s other mini perks to this place such as 30/40% discounts on all goods, but I can’t say much more without giving away the industry. Any advice+opinion is appreciated.

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