
Should I care more about having a presence on LinkedIn? Because I don’t lol

If you’re approaching thirty like me, then you were probably in the generation who got sold on LinkedIn as it being Facebook but for business networking and professionalism. Adults and family members were starting to get onto Facebook and we all collectively said “ew no” and branched off into different social media platforms. LinkedIn was different though, it was white collar Facebook. We were told “be careful what you post on social media, jobs are looking at that stuff!”, because god forbid you got tagged in a photo at a high school party with alcohol/drugs in the background, or you quoted a vulgar song in your status. GOD FORBID you were holding a drink in a picture and your sports coach found out. My teachers and parents toted it as the key to landing a job – this attitude that your LinkedIn profile was a more in-depth resume that would…

If you’re approaching thirty like me, then you were probably in the generation who got sold on LinkedIn as it being Facebook but for business networking and professionalism. Adults and family members were starting to get onto Facebook and we all collectively said “ew no” and branched off into different social media platforms. LinkedIn was different though, it was white collar Facebook.

We were told “be careful what you post on social media, jobs are looking at that stuff!”, because god forbid you got tagged in a photo at a high school party with alcohol/drugs in the background, or you quoted a vulgar song in your status. GOD FORBID you were holding a drink in a picture and your sports coach found out.

My teachers and parents toted it as the key to landing a job – this attitude that your LinkedIn profile was a more in-depth resume that would promote your accolades and skillset. Yet, I’ve only found myself on there when I’m a) job hunting or b) updating my profile because I’m preparing to job hunt again.

There’s no debating the practicality of LinkedIn, I just can’t get over the wishy washy, artificial, and dull posts that people make. While there’s an obligatory sense to be business professional on the platform, the LinkedIn digital presence has gone beyond the point of being plastic like all the other facades on social media apps.

I just simply don’t see a point to posting on LinkedIn, and I don’t think that should make me a bad job candidate. If my work experience and skills are properly highlighted then I’m content with just that.

It’s just another social media app that predetermines if I’m worth meeting in-person.

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