
should I expect recognition for covering constantly for an understaffed team?

When I joined my team had 7 people including my manager. That was 2 years ago. 18 months ago we lost 2 of them, one quite suddenly. 6 months later we lost another, now down to 4. 6 months ago we lost another, down to 3 – a new manager, me, and a contractor (there from the start, a limited responsibilities that did not expand as we grew smaller). I got my performance review, below expectation. My manager got his, above expectation. There's been no major failures, no missed deadlines, no client fuck ups. There have been some areas of growth – mostly doing certain tasks a bit quicker – but otherwise mostly benign stuff. No mention of their inability/ lack of desire to staff up as a do the job of multiple. No acknowledgement, no recognition. Would you say or do anything?

When I joined my team had 7 people including my manager. That was 2 years ago. 18 months ago we lost 2 of them, one quite suddenly. 6 months later we lost another, now down to 4. 6 months ago we lost another, down to 3 – a new manager, me, and a contractor (there from the start, a limited responsibilities that did not expand as we grew smaller). I got my performance review, below expectation. My manager got his, above expectation.

There's been no major failures, no missed deadlines, no client fuck ups. There have been some areas of growth – mostly doing certain tasks a bit quicker – but otherwise mostly benign stuff.

No mention of their inability/ lack of desire to staff up as a do the job of multiple. No acknowledgement, no recognition. Would you say or do anything?

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