
Should I get involved.

I would just like other people’s advice. I am mate on a tug boat. Now one of my deckhands is 19yrs old and, has only been in the industry for 6 months, is making $320 a day, and gets and free health care since he is single. This rate is high for a new OS (ordinary seaman) with no experience. Starting rate at other companies is between $250-$275. I just found out the OS on the other crew same boat and has same experience level is making significantly less than my OS at a rate of $275 per day and same bennies. Now the question is do I tell the other OS about this or do I tell the other mate and let him handle it if he even does? My captain said don’t say anything because it could cause trouble. Which I don’t agree with but if it comes…

I would just like other people’s advice.

I am mate on a tug boat.

Now one of my deckhands is 19yrs old and, has only been in the industry for 6 months, is making $320 a day, and gets and free health care since he is single. This rate is high for a new OS (ordinary seaman) with no experience. Starting rate at other companies is between $250-$275.

I just found out the OS on the other crew same boat and has same experience level is making significantly less than my OS at a rate of $275 per day and same bennies.

Now the question is do I tell the other OS about this or do I tell the other mate and let him handle it if he even does?

My captain said don’t say anything because it could cause trouble. Which I don’t agree with but if it comes back to me that I spilled the beans I don’t want repercussions.

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