
Should I give my work a heads up I’m thinking about leaving, or just get a job offer THEN see if they will match it?

The job I'm at now is great, I love the work, and get to do a lot of my own projects with left over material, which is awesome, but I recently got my year review and I only got a dollar raise (putting me at 21 an hour) I'd only been there a year, so this was my first review, and when I asked for 23, they said that I had already gotten multiple raises throughout the year I'd been there (which is true, I started there at 18 and moved up positions quickly to 20 dollars). But I'm still very bitter about it, because I have made many improvements around the shop I work at that benefit both me and other workers. So naturally I've decided to start looking for another job. So I want to do this “right” and I don't know if I should – go tell…

The job I'm at now is great, I love the work, and get to do a lot of my own projects with left over material, which is awesome, but I recently got my year review and I only got a dollar raise (putting me at 21 an hour)

I'd only been there a year, so this was my first review, and when I asked for 23, they said that I had already gotten multiple raises throughout the year I'd been there (which is true, I started there at 18 and moved up positions quickly to 20 dollars).

But I'm still very bitter about it, because I have made many improvements around the shop I work at that benefit both me and other workers.

So naturally I've decided to start looking for another job.

So I want to do this “right” and I don't know if I should
– go tell my boss/manager that I'm unhappy with the dollar raise, and request more again, while letting them know if I don't get the raise I will look for another job

  • go on interviews, then when I get a good job offer go to them and tell them I've got a job offer for X amount, and I will Stay if they bump my pay to X amount

  • go to my boss/manager, ask them if I can use them for a ref, then explain why I'm out looking for another job because I am disappointed in my dollar raise

I actually don't mind my work at all, which is really hard for people to say nowadays. The workload is easy, I rarely have to talk to anyone, I basically get to do my job and go home, I don't have to worry about anything once I clock out. I am worried that if I switch jobs, that easiness will be forfeit.

Please, tell me what my best route is!

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