
Should I just tough it out or quit?

I’ve been working this hotel job for going on 4 months and the hours are decent. 5am-10am weekdays and 6-11am weekends. The issue I take is mainly pay ($9/hr) and the deductions we get. Like, my check is generally 680 after taxes including overtime and to date I have yet to have a check over $500. Enter my old job at a local restaurant— I was making $12/hr in the kitchen working longer hours with rushes bc we were a staple restaurant of course, but I made a comparable wage and I wasn’t as stressed out. Serving tables I just made less. Now for the BS. Our GM and most of management are grossly out of touch with the reality of us being understaffed but they refuse to conduct interviews and hire more people. From about May to July/August I was working both jobs because my “friend” at the time…

I’ve been working this hotel job for going on 4 months and the hours are decent. 5am-10am weekdays and 6-11am weekends. The issue I take is mainly pay ($9/hr) and the deductions we get. Like, my check is generally 680 after taxes including overtime and to date I have yet to have a check over $500. Enter my old job at a local restaurant— I was making $12/hr in the kitchen working longer hours with rushes bc we were a staple restaurant of course, but I made a comparable wage and I wasn’t as stressed out. Serving tables I just made less.

Now for the BS. Our GM and most of management are grossly out of touch with the reality of us being understaffed but they refuse to conduct interviews and hire more people. From about May to July/August I was working both jobs because my “friend” at the time had taken a F&B manager position and asked me to apply. I did and I got on with the hotel but working two jobs was as stressful as you could imagine. Not to mention I was taking the last class I needed for my degree program in July and moving. Previously it was never a problem per sé with scheduling, but now I’m getting told that someone (my coworker who’s the only person I communicate with in passing) is telling HR that I’m not in school nor do I work a second job so I can’t give my availability for the coming weeks anymore. In that same breath, the same coworker also told one of our managers that I said I was gonna quit, which she asked the very next day was I, to which I said not like now I can’t really make a decent livable wage like this because like I said even putting schedule availability and hours aside it’s just not possible to live on this. It’s more consistent yes but it’s still a part time job. My coworker told me they have to verify my job status at my other job by either visiting or calling and didn’t honor the availability I sent last week. I also found out that the F&B manager told the hiring manager and everyone that I put my 2 weeks notice in at my old job which wasn’t true at all. She left in July because she and her husband signed a lease back in their home state and moved with little notice to us. I feel like I should be able to do the same. I wanted to call night auditor and just tell them I quit because that would be more civil than just quitting outright and not coming but what do you guys think?

This week they got me on schedule by myself and it’s 100% capacity. I’m off tomorrow and my old job has availability to start back this Thursday. If I start back working regularly I can likely bring home more money while looking for a new job, I just don’t wanna keep putting myself through this. I bike 4 miles to and from work 5-6 days out of the week and I be tired as hell. Until recently I was catching Ubers from work but just sucking it up and biking home is cheaper and I feel like I’m getting a pretty good workout in but day in and day out I feel like I’m losing motivation to keep going.

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