
should I keep going to my job I hate if I have another one lined up?

So Monday I'm going in to my new job to confirm employment with my ID and all that. Should I keep going to my current job that I dread? I'm calling in this next shift to go do some fun stuff with my partner, they think I need to get out due to being overworked and burnt out. I hate my boss, I feel like he has something against me. He's constantly making me anxious with how he breathes down everyone's neck. It makes me sick, and I know his views on lgbtq individuals..he singles me out. Is it worth calling in if he's going to cut my hours anyways. I'm not putting in a two weeks notice.

So Monday I'm going in to my new job to confirm employment with my ID and all that.

Should I keep going to my current job that I dread?

I'm calling in this next shift to go do some fun stuff with my partner, they think I need to get out due to being overworked and burnt out.

I hate my boss, I feel like he has something against me. He's constantly making me anxious with how he breathes down everyone's neck. It makes me sick, and I know his views on lgbtq individuals..he singles me out.

Is it worth calling in if he's going to cut my hours anyways. I'm not putting in a two weeks notice.

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