
Should I leave the USA for Latin America right now?

I’m extremely tired. I’ve lived about 15 adult years in the USA, and I’ve got nothing to show for it. I’ve always been poor. If I’m going to be poor, I’d rather be poor and live in Latin America (I’m Latino). I am unfit for life in the USA. I really don’t want to live here anymore. I wanted to try to save some money to pay my debts and build some savings and leave. But I just quit my job within my field of study. Money is important, but I have health issues and a particular mindset that makes me unfit for slavery. So now, I’ll have to find some other (crap) job and work for much less than I was getting paid. $15-20/hour if I’m lucky. Don't even know how I'm going to find one, since my references are unhelpful and unresponsive. Basically, I have 0 references. I’ve…

I’m extremely tired. I’ve lived about 15 adult years in the USA, and I’ve got nothing to show for it.

I’ve always been poor. If I’m going to be poor, I’d rather be poor and live in Latin America (I’m Latino). I am unfit for life in the USA. I really don’t want to live here anymore.

I wanted to try to save some money to pay my debts and build some savings and leave. But I just quit my job within my field of study. Money is important, but I have health issues and a particular mindset that makes me unfit for slavery. So now, I’ll have to find some other (crap) job and work for much less than I was getting paid. $15-20/hour if I’m lucky. Don't even know how I'm going to find one, since my references are unhelpful and unresponsive. Basically, I have 0 references.

I’ve got a few countries where all my theorized living expenses would come to ~$600/month max. I’d be living like a local poor person. That’s fine. At least I’ll be in a place more aligned with my needs. E.g., I’d get to eat better food cheaper.

I’ve got no solid plan. Just a bunch of ideas.

At best, I could find a remote job in the USA (Don’t even know how, since I’ve tried that in the past and never got one) for ~15/hour that would let me work and live in Latin America.

Or teach English and earn some meager dollars.

Less favorable would be getting some sort of local job earning the local currency (which is almost guaranteed to be around minimum wage for the country, like <$500 a month on average for various Latin American countries).

The digital nomad thing doesn’t work for me because I’ve got no experience, aptitude, or money to get into tech or any of the often-mentioned digital nomad jobs. I’ve got no time or health, I’m in my early 30s. Life is closing its doors on me.

I want to leave the USA asap. I feel like I’m suffocating here. The logical and most advantageous thing would be to stay here for 1-2 years and scrape by, pay my debts, and save a little money. But I feel my life slipping away. I’ve lost patience and I lack good health.

What would you suggest? Thank you

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