
Should I quit a job I just started a month go?

I got hired at my first corporate job a month ago, and now I already want to quit. I've never been more miserable before in my life. It's about $20 an hour, which is more than I've ever made before. But I simply just cant do it, and I don't even care about the money. It's making my depression 10x worse, and my anxiety is unbearable. So how would I go about quitting? I don't even care if I don't have another job lined up. I live with my parents so I can afford to quit without having something line up. I just want to fucking leave. Should I just quit without notice? Or should I email them? I definitely wont be working another two weeks of this miserable fucking job.

I got hired at my first corporate job a month ago, and now I already want to quit. I've never been more miserable before in my life. It's about $20 an hour, which is more than I've ever made before. But I simply just cant do it, and I don't even care about the money. It's making my depression 10x worse, and my anxiety is unbearable.

So how would I go about quitting? I don't even care if I don't have another job lined up. I live with my parents so I can afford to quit without having something line up. I just want to fucking leave. Should I just quit without notice? Or should I email them? I definitely wont be working another two weeks of this miserable fucking job.

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