
Should I quit my current job? I have barely any experience

I started an internship with a company last summer (2021) while I was still finishing up school. It was nice because it added experience onto my resume. At the end of the summer my boss offered me a permanent position to work remote while I finished up school. This was great because all of my classes could still be taken online due to COVID still being an ongoing issue, and I could work from home. Sounds awesome right? I get to work from home for my first job out of college. I won't go into all the details about the specific position and how he explained salary and benefits, but I work for a Fortune 50 company that is generally structured as salary and commission. The expectations for the role seemed a little high, however I didn't stress because my boss made it sound easy. I started out quite slow…

I started an internship with a company last summer (2021) while I was still finishing up school. It was nice because it added experience onto my resume. At the end of the summer my boss offered me a permanent position to work remote while I finished up school. This was great because all of my classes could still be taken online due to COVID still being an ongoing issue, and I could work from home. Sounds awesome right? I get to work from home for my first job out of college.

I won't go into all the details about the specific position and how he explained salary and benefits, but I work for a Fortune 50 company that is generally structured as salary and commission. The expectations for the role seemed a little high, however I didn't stress because my boss made it sound easy. I started out quite slow because it can he quite tedious to learn everything – even after a year I still don't know how to answer every question I get from customers. We've had a LOT of issues with turnover since January of this year which means I get stuck with the workload of all those that quit. And my workload was already astronomical for the horrible pay. I do the work of 2 maybe 3 people and I make 31k a year… (minimum wage in my area).

Now my question: I finished college in March with a bachelors in Finance and I've been applying to new positions since then. However, I can't find anything that will pay me more than 40k a year (on site or remote). I do live with my girlfriend so she would be able to help cover costs while I find something new. I've put up with bullshit at this job for for so long (while my boss is on his 6th or 7th week off so far this year). Should I quit until I find a new job? With hardly any work experience I fear I won't be able to find even an entry level position with a gap on my resume.

TLDR: Just finished college with Finance degree – have one year experience in a toxic/stressful environment. Should I quit my job until I find something new?

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