
Should I quit or get fired or…something else?

I’ve been working at my current job for almost 2 years. When I first started, we were told that we would be cross trained in other positions on a voluntary basis. I’ve been cross trained in a few positions and I haven’t minded it too much. However, I received an email last week that going forward it will no longer be on a voluntary basis to learn new positions…it will be mandatory and that I was scheduled for training this week to work on the phones. The reason this will now be mandatory is because they don’t have enough staff. (They laid several people off months ago) Now I occasionally make a phone call for my various positions, but it is rare…like maybe 1x every couple weeks. This new position would be constant back to back phone calls. Mentally, I can’t do it. People are rude and my mental health…

I’ve been working at my current job for almost 2 years. When I first started, we were told that we would be cross trained in other positions on a voluntary basis. I’ve been cross trained in a few positions and I haven’t minded it too much. However, I received an email last week that going forward it will no longer be on a voluntary basis to learn new positions…it will be mandatory and that I was scheduled for training this week to work on the phones. The reason this will now be mandatory is because they don’t have enough staff. (They laid several people off months ago) Now I occasionally make a phone call for my various positions, but it is rare…like maybe 1x every couple weeks.

This new position would be constant back to back phone calls. Mentally, I can’t do it. People are rude and my mental health can’t take it. Plus we are learning all these new positions with no advance in pay.

I’m hesitant to speak to my manager as I don’t think they can help me. But I also can’t afford to lose my health insurance as I have cancer at the moment.
I’m not sure what to do.

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