
Should I Quit Or Tough It Out?

I'm sorry if this is not the best place to post… I'm somewhat new to this. I was excited to accept my job as a utility dispatcher to move my husband and I across the country. I've been doing it for a few years already, so I didn't think it would be much of a change. The following happened within three months of being hired: The recruiter offered me 4 weeks to pack up, prep to sell my house, and move as she knew it would take me awhile. My bosses asked me to shorten it to 3 weeks because they needed me in sooner, but gave the other new guy a week of vacation a week into training (so he basically had to start over after he got back). We ended up having huge problems that we had to fight through to move and is a long story. I…

I'm sorry if this is not the best place to post… I'm somewhat new to this.

I was excited to accept my job as a utility dispatcher to move my husband and I across the country. I've been doing it for a few years already, so I didn't think it would be much of a change. The following happened within three months of being hired:

The recruiter offered me 4 weeks to pack up, prep to sell my house, and move as she knew it would take me awhile. My bosses asked me to shorten it to 3 weeks because they needed me in sooner, but gave the other new guy a week of vacation a week into training (so he basically had to start over after he got back). We ended up having huge problems that we had to fight through to move and is a long story. I admit this was out of their control, but I didn't feel I would be given reprieve if I asked for more time, but I made it to my first day at least.
This job is mostly memorizing, not much is written down or documented for me to look up or reference. The job information COULD be written down but no one thought to do it because most people have worked here for 5+ years and have it memorized.
They had told me the job was open because someone retired but this wasn't the usual. But, now they need to hire 3 more people, 5 total after my interview, due to disagreements with recent management decisions. The people leaving are the people who've been here a long time so this department will be filled with new people soon.
I found out there is a section with information I might need, but I don't have access to it even after requesting it a month ago.
I still have no idea about overtime pay or evening pay or several other little details, but now that I work evenings I don't see the supervisors to be able to ask them.
I expressed I needed more training (they didn't train me for nightly duties and there's a lot of little things I knew I didn't know) and they told me I was doing fine, didn't need it, and had me move out of training and into my normal shift.
They ask me to work overtime frequently, to the point where they've called and texted me twice each to see if I could come in early that day (I was asleep).

I see things about to hit the fan soon, and I'm feeling like this is getting too fix. I have a few coworkers who are also looking for work, so that means more shift covering and overtime for us. I know many of my questions can be answered by the employees who work with me, but I feel abandoned because they needed someone to cover shifts. Is this minor garbage I've turned into a mountain and I need to just suck it up, or are these signs of bigger issues that might get bigger over time?

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