
Should I quit this job?

Hey all, I’m honestly two seconds from quitting this awful job. I have my degrees and I am in my late 20s, I took a cool job in fashion because I thought It would be great for the resume and a good foot in the door. Holy crap I might as well have stayed unemployed and continued my job search this job is not worth the experience! First of all, since I’ve started 4 ppl have quit and one got fired and I only started a couple of months back. We are extremely understaffed because of that and my boss doesn’t realize that it’s because of her management skills people are quitting. Especially because she treats us like we work in a factory, it’s a fashion job so we are on our feet all day and if you even sit for two seconds you get yelled at, I had to…

Hey all, I’m honestly two seconds from quitting this awful job. I have my degrees and I am in my late 20s, I took a cool job in fashion because I thought It would be great for the resume and a good foot in the door. Holy crap I might as well have stayed unemployed and continued my job search this job is not worth the experience!
First of all, since I’ve started 4 ppl have quit and one got fired and I only started a couple of months back. We are extremely understaffed because of that and my boss doesn’t realize that it’s because of her management skills people are quitting. Especially because she treats us like we work in a factory, it’s a fashion job so we are on our feet all day and if you even sit for two seconds you get yelled at, I had to get a massage because I work 40 hours a week on my feet. I think it’s ok to sit for 2 min or take a snack break, nope not here.
Then she likes to tell us last minute at the end of the day that we have to work overtime. I explained to her that I personally cannot do that more then once a week and she told me she needs me to do so and if not we have to come in at 7 am.
In my opinion you cannot force that as people have lives outside of their jobs and you don’t know my home life.
This Friday at 4:30pm almost at the end of the day she tells us we have to work overtime the following week and come in on a Saturday! So pretty much 6 days a week working from 8am till past 6pm? There is no reason to do that and her bosses don’t do anything, I’ve complained and clearly no one cares, It’s like employees opinions and lives are not respected here. Should I wait till I get something better or just give my 2 weeks?

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