
Should I report boss to HR?

I’m not sure if advice posts are allowed here so I apologize in advance, but this seemed like the place to ask this. I’ll start off by saying I have a lot of issues with my branch manager. He’s cheap, racist, sexist, and an overall dickhead. A couple weeks ago I found out that my grandmother was dying and would be on her way soon (she ended up dying later in the week). Anyway, I found this out the night before Monday, so I slept very little that night because I was worried. I came into work that day and did my job the way I do it everyday. Fast forward to my lunch break. I almost always work through my lunch break. I usually just eat while doing my reports. Well, this day I did the same thing, but since I had really slept my eyes were hurting from…

I’m not sure if advice posts are allowed here so I apologize in advance, but this seemed like the place to ask this.

I’ll start off by saying I have a lot of issues with my branch manager. He’s cheap, racist, sexist, and an overall dickhead.

A couple weeks ago I found out that my grandmother was dying and would be on her way soon (she ended up dying later in the week). Anyway, I found this out the night before Monday, so I slept very little that night because I was worried. I came into work that day and did my job the way I do it everyday.

Fast forward to my lunch break. I almost always work through my lunch break. I usually just eat while doing my reports. Well, this day I did the same thing, but since I had really slept my eyes were hurting from looking at the screen all day. I decided to close them for literally less than 5 minutes and lean my head back. This is where the issue lies.

My boss at that point decided to LITERALLY creep up on me like a goblin. Hunched over, very quiet…you get the picture. Anyway, since I’m not asleep I hear him, as well as my coworker walking into the room. I open my eyes and turn around to see him in his goblin-like state holding his phone up trying to record me. He goes, “ahhh almost got ya haha” as if it were a joke. I find this extremely weird and it made me very uncomfortable. Again, I want to stress I was on my lunch break.

Fast forward again to the next day. My project manager tells me that our branch manager talked to him about “the incident.” He said I was sleeping on the job and I am now on his “shit list,” I have a “target on my back,” and he said “I won’t forget this,” whatever that means.

I’m not worried about his empty threats to be honest. I just want to know do people think I should report him to HR for the incident? Do I have any grounds to report him? I feel like he can’t just secretly record me on my lunch break and then try to use it against me and say I was sleeping on the job. My coworker was a witness to it all and knows I was on my break. Am I overreacting here?

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