
Should I report this to hr?

I am 52 and coworker is 26. Makes “old” jokes consistently and I have usually just brushed them off. But lately they have gotten worse. I had a friend close my age pass away last month and her comment was “you will probably die soon, since you have lived most of your life”. It wasn’t said jokingly but I ignored. The most recent comment has me fuming. We we were setting up for meeting clients and where we sit had changed. I didn’t know this so I asked where she was going. She said something and I didn’t hear her and asked her to repeat what she said. She then said very rudely “we….are…over…here…”as if I was hard of hearing. There was no joking,laughing etc. i didn’t respond because I knew if I did, I would say something that would get me fired. I have never been so disrespected in…

I am 52 and coworker is 26. Makes “old” jokes consistently and I have usually just brushed them off. But lately they have gotten worse. I had a friend close my age pass away last month and her comment was “you will probably die soon, since you have lived most of your life”. It wasn’t said jokingly but I ignored. The most recent comment has me fuming. We we were setting up for meeting clients and where we sit had changed. I didn’t know this so I asked where she was going. She said something and I didn’t hear her and asked her to repeat what she said. She then said very rudely “we….are…over…here…”as if I was hard of hearing. There was no joking,laughing etc. i didn’t respond because I knew if I did, I would say something that would get me fired. I have never been so disrespected in the work place and not sure what my next steps are. BTW she is currently the bosses favorite so I am reluctant to go to him. Any suggestions?

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