
Should i stay at my job, or move?

I've always lived in big cities, so moving for my current job was a big transition. 70k people, and not much for me or my family to do. Kind of boring but quiet and nice, and my current job is great. I enjoy it a lot, I can do and try new things, I'm desired and appreciated, I work salary and 4 days a week, and I can always step out if I need to do something. It's basically my schedule. However I am drastically underpaid, I should average 113k a year but I'm getting 96.5k. I work at a hospital to my insurance is great and my wife is currently pregnant. A job is very interested in me in a much larger city (1 million ish) 2 hours away, it will have plenty of fun things for my family and I to do. I will be paid more but…

I've always lived in big cities, so moving for my current job was a big transition. 70k people, and not much for me or my family to do. Kind of boring but quiet and nice, and my current job is great. I enjoy it a lot, I can do and try new things, I'm desired and appreciated, I work salary and 4 days a week, and I can always step out if I need to do something. It's basically my schedule. However I am drastically underpaid, I should average 113k a year but I'm getting 96.5k. I work at a hospital to my insurance is great and my wife is currently pregnant.

A job is very interested in me in a much larger city (1 million ish) 2 hours away, it will have plenty of fun things for my family and I to do. I will be paid more but cost of living certainly goes up. After comparing the cost of living and raise its basically equivalent to a 15k raise here. However I work 5 days a week, private company so I'm not sure if the insurance will be as good (my first child was pre mature spent 2 weeks in NICU and we paid $100 and later got a refund for it. Basically free.)

I want my kids and wife to have fun and enjoy doing things, having to drive 2 hours every other weekend to do something interesting isn't fun. But my job here is so good and I love the people and my schedule. Am I an idiot for moving? I don't know anything about how the people or how fun and engaging my job will be in the bigger city.

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